“CooperActive II”

This is Erasmus+ Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices project, action “Capacity Building for Youth in ACP countries, Latin America and Asia”. Duration of the project is 01/04/2016 – 30/09/2017. This project continued the reflection and exchange of views and development of ideas from the project “CooperActive I” for Recognition of Youth Work and Non-Formal Learning in the Youth Field. Coordinator is IDA (Bulgaria) and Eesti People to People is one of the project partners.

The main aim of the project is to increase the quality and validation of non-formal education (NFE) in youth work through adaptation, extension and dissemination of a single unified methodology and standards for quality in the conduct of NFE activities and the creation of national working groups for discussion between stakeholders (Youth NGOs and LAs) to create the law on NFE and recognition of key competencies acquired during informal youth training.

The objectives of the project:
- To increase recognition of NFE in youth work in the countries of Europe, Asia, and America and give a boost to measures in the field taken by public policies and NGOs at different levels;
- To Recognition of the competences acquired in NFE, recognition of the professionalism and the contribution of the coaches (trainers) and youth leaders in NFE, lobbying for legislative changes, recognizing the contribution of NFE;
- To promote transnational cooperation in NFE by helping to remove obstacles to vocational and geographical mobility and opening access to the labor market.

Activity 1: Working meeting Conduct a meeting and training with the project team: 3-day meeting between partners organizations. Introduction of new partners with the methodologies and results of the first part of the project (additional 2 day training for new partners).

- Venue: Sofia, Bulgaria
- Start: 15 April 2016 and End: 20 April 2016
- Number of participants: 15 (1 per partner)

Activity 2: Conducting monitoring, evaluation and review of policies, resources and practices across the world (legislation, methods, standards) in NFE as well as in terms of authorization and standardization organizations offering informal education services.

- Venue: Each partner country
- Start: 01 May 2016 and End: 31 July 2016

Activity 3: Conducting the national training courses for 30 (in each country) youth leaders and leaders of organizations associated with the introduction of the developed methodology and documentation of quality management.

- Venue: each partner country
- Start: 01 August 2016 and End: 31 October 2016 (3 days training)
- Number of participants: 30 per partner

Activity 4: Conducting the national training course for 30 (in each country) youth trainers and trainers, facilitators associated with the introduction to the methodology for conducting informal training and acquire the additional core competencies.

- Venue: each partner country
- Start: 01 November 2016 and End: 31 January 2017
- Number of participants: 30 per partner (3 days training)

Activity 5: Conducting the national round tables and meetings between representative youth organizations to start a public debate on national validation and recognition of key competencies acquired during informal youth training.

- Venue: each partner country
- Start: 01 March 2017 and End: 31 May 2017 ( 2-3 days for the activity)
-Number of participants: 20-30 participants per country

Activity 6: Upgrade of interactive tools (e- platform) with new methods, simulations, standards and online distance learning for youth leaders and trainers to work with the proposed methodologies. Platform and a forum for sharing good practices and ideas.

- Venue: Each partner country (online)
- Start: 01 June 2017 and End: 31 August 2017
- Number of participants: 20-30 participants per country (online)

Activity 7: Conducting a final international conference to present the results, recommendations/ issues after testing the products, successful practices.On themeetingrepresentatives of national and European institutions will be invited andissues such as quality of informal activities, the possibility of legal recognition and validation of non-formal education and learning will be addressed. The establishment of an informal network of youth organizations – training services providers is considered. The aim is to create a working group that will be responsible for multiple projects and track its development in the longer term.

- Venue: Sofia, Bulgaria
- Start: 10 September 2017 and End: 15 September 2017
- Number of participants: 30-40

Activity 8: Dissemination of results and products of the project, visualization and validation.

- Venue: Each partner country
- Start: 01 April 2016 and End: 30 September 2017

Project materials

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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