"Media and information literacy in adult education"

This is Erasmus+ strategic partnership project in adult education. The general objective is to exchange good practices and test innovative methods in media and information literacy. This will increase ability to think critically about the content people receive through social media. Partnership aims at increasing users' awareness of the truthfulness of online content while at the same time promoting more responsible use of the Internet.

The specific objectives of the project are:

*to increase professional development of adult educators,

*to collect and develop methods of teaching and learning media and information literacy,

*to share best practices among project partners,

*to develop and reinforce EU networks for partnership in non-formal education.

By improving and extending the delivery of high quality media literacy learning opportunities tailored to the needs of individuals – educators and adult learners - partners of this project aim at enhancing citizens' ability to distinguish reliable information from disinformation, to analyse social media content and improve critical thinking skills towards the media.

Two international meetings in France, one in Estonia and training courses in Spain and Croatia in combination with local activities will be complementary for exchange of best practices, collecting, creating and testing them in four project partners’ countries. Coordinator of the project is MITRA FRANCE NGO.

Through a variety of specially designed activities, the participants will manage to develop their competences in the field of media and information literacy, both theoretically and practically. Media and information literacy principles (MIL) are targeted through non-formal learning methods, experimental and participatory learning, learning by doing which aim at enhancing experiences and competences of staff members of partners organisations.

The main project activities will target educators and final beneficiaries - adult learners and citizens at large, including representatives of minorities, for example people with limited formal education, people of the age group 50+ and people at risk of being socially marginalised. More than 100 staff members and adult learners from project partners’ countries will be directly involved in the project and more than 1200 indirectly during dissemination activities.

Participants of the project will improve their competences in intercultural dialogue. They will also develop skills in working with ICT. Educators will improve their capacities to deliver high quality workshops in MIL. In parallel, by exchanging good practices, they will enrich daily work and abilities to empower their target groups. Trained adult educators will be able to analyse, understand and create local measures to explain to adult learners how to identify and react in regard of the spread of disinformation.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Contacts:    &nbnbsp;                Kärberi 33-76, 13919 Tallinn, Estonia                    tel:  +372 6 355 697                    e-mail:                   
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