Be smart in social media: digital skills for critical minds

„Be smart in social media: digital skills for critical minds“ (2021-1-LT02-KA220-YOU-000028814) is Erasmus+ strategic partnership project. It aims to collect good practices and create new materials for the E-Handbook. The focus will be on digital and media literacy and critical thinking. Work on E-Handbook and training for youth workers will develop of digital readeness, resilience and capacity of youth organisations.

The acquisition of new competences by youth workers will support increasing of quality of youth work. By this, the project will address the horizontal priority of Erasmus+ Programme for digital transformation. Partners from Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, France and Italy plan to create a comprehensive E-Handbook which aims at supporting the main target group - youth workers who will use this project result in their daily work with young people - final beneficiaries. This innovation resource will be useful also for wider audience: educators who use non-formal education methods, NGOs workers and other stakeholders who are interested to learn about digital and media literacy and critical thinking and, particularly, to learn how to analyse cases about pandemic and post-pandemic situations.


The objectives of this project are:
• to provide youth workers and young people with competences in digital and media literacy and critical thinking;
• to offer them training materials in E-Handbook in order to develop skills for media content analysis;
• to explore the phenomenon of disinformation, both in deconstructing fake news and comprehending what is authentic;
• to advance non-formal education and cooperation in the field of youth work with EU.

Participants of this project will use the opportunity of the mobility in Europe when participate in the transnational meetings and training course and will create a network for learning and sharing ideas with the aim to initiate new activities. They will learn how to critically assess the credibility and reliability of digital content, how to guide others in the interaction through digital technologies, how to support participation in public life and the integration into society of young people with fewer opportunities who will be an important target group in this project. This will be done by promoting non-formal education and building quality work in youth organisations in line with Erasmus+ Programme objectives.


Partners decided to have a focus on social media because today it plays a significant role in spreading disinformation and forging stereotypes and prejudices in societies by conditioning perceptions and shaping people’s attitudes and behaviors. Partners plan to organise four transnational meetings for partners' organisation leaders, staff members and youth workers/ educators if the situation with corona virus will allow to organise face-to-face meetings. If not, meetings will be organised online.

Partners plan:
M1 – Kick-off management meeting in Lithuania.
M2 – Mid-term evaluation meeting in France.
M3 – Evaluation meeting in Estonia.
M4 - Final meeting in Finland.

There will be training course in Italy for youth workers and local and dissemination activities, including multiplier events in all partners' countries. There will be research work, study visits to the youth and other organisations working with topics of media and social media to learn and collect good practices and create new materials for the project E-Handbook - the main tangible result.


International association of solidarity and democracy "Mes" (Lithuania) – coordinator
Anmiro Oy (Finland)

Facebook page:

E-Handbook in English

E-Handbook in Estonian

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