Voices of Change

“Voices of Change (VOC): enhancing girls with migration background to cooperate in womenpolicies in the European Consultative Body for Migrant Girls Civic Engagement” is CERV-2023-CITIZENS-CIV project. Duration: 1.11.2024 – 30.06.2026.

Project supports democratic participation of migrant youth girls, by stimulating and organisingreflection, debates and develop a practical link with the policymaking process. VOC is alsomeant to provide, through close cooperation between girls with a migrant background andEuropean girls, the designing of recommendations that develop concrete awareness for theMember States that hosts migrants and refugees’ girls.

A collective writing process for a bottom-up policy recommendation for local authorities and EUdecision makers on inclusion of young girls with a migratory background in the decision-makingprocess will be set up, stressing the importance of considering intersectionality. Citizens,residents, migrants, associations, and social and political forces will be involved in the activities.

Specifically, the project address priority 3 of the call: Engaging citizens and communities indiscussions and action related to solidarity. The target group of the project are young girls with amigratory background from outside Europe, but also girls coming from European partnercountries (19-30 years old). Every partner will involve 4 girls (2 migrants and 2 locals for a totalof 84 girls in more than 15 countries), that will become part of the partner organisations' staff forthe duration of the project through an Internship. It is considered important for the consortium toinvolve both migrant and local girls, bringing diverse perspectives to the project, which can helpto promote understanding and respect between different cultures.

The formal link with the partner organisation will ensure the girls' involvement in all phases ofthe project, and will give them the opportunity to gain new expertise and skills. Moreover, theinternship opportunity will enable the girls to enhance their professional and personaldevelopment, which can benefit their future career prospects. By involving the girls in all phasesof the project, they will have a lasting impact on the project outcomes. Their contributions canhelp to shape the project's direction and ensure that it is relevant and effective in addressing theissues at hand. Local authorities, citizens, relevant associations and stakeholders will also beinvolved in the activities.

VOC general objective:

To foster migrant and refugees’ girls understanding of the policymaking process, showing inpractice how to engage in the democratic life of the EU and enabling them to make known andpublicly exchange their views in all areas of Union action.

Specific objectives:

1. To increase migrant and refugees’ girls’ awareness of their rights and EU values andincreasing their engagement in society and within the EU;

2. To strengthen democratic participation of migrant and refugees’ girls and bring them closer toEuropean institutions, communicating their views and concerns to policy makers at all levels andincluding intersectional dimensions;

3. To make the new consultative body operational and enhance its capabilities.

4. To build partners' capacity to operate jointly, share good practices, and reinforce their networkat EU level, boosting internationalization of their activities.


Tia Formazione (Italy) - Coordinator
Università Roma Tre (Italy)
Differenza Donna (Italy)
Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce (Belgium)
The Association Local Action Group NAPOCA POROLISSUM (Romania)
Regional Volunteer Center (Poland)
IKIGAI Institute (Spain)
Association Mundus Bulgaria (Bulgaria)
Stichting Platform INS (The Netherlands)
Welcome Home International ASBL (Belgium)
Fachhochschule des Mittelstandes (Germany)
NEST Berlin NGO (Germany)
PLACE Netwok (France)
D'Antilles & D'Ailleurs (France)
Eesti People to People NGO (Estonia)
MITR (Slovenia)
SOSU Østjylland (Denmark)
ART + INN (Lithuania)
Right Challenge (Portugal)
AICCRE VENICE (Italy) - associated partner

• VOC FLYER Estonian
• VOC 1st article -Estonian
• VOC 1st article - English
• 1st VOC newsletter - Estonin
• 1st VOC newsletter - Eglish

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Contacts: Karberi 33-76, 13919 Tallinn, Estonia                    tel:  +372 6 355 697                    e-mail:                   
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