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"Enhancing policy coherence:
making development work better"
DCI-NSA ED/2008/154-226,
co-financed by the European Commission.
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“Youth Unemployment”

Eesti People to People is a partner in Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals project “Youth Unemployment”. Coordinator of the project is Sprijin si Dezvoltare Association from Brasov, Romania, partners - C.I.P Citizens In Power (PO.SI Polites se Ischy) from Cyprus, ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE STRAUSS from Italy, EUROCIRCLE from France, Geoclube - Associação Juvenil de Ciência, Natureza e Aventura from Portugal, Youth Inclusion Association from Turkey and Mostar Friedensprojekt e.V from Germany.

EU Youth Report 2012 shows that the economic situation affects young people, increasing unemployment rate and risk social exclusion and poverty rate. The youth work through non-formal education must pursue activities that tackle youth unemployment and social exclusion, thus playing a fundamental role in supporting youth education, and encouraging them to participate in social life.

The aim of the project is to use the non-formal education to tackle long-term unemployment among young people.

The overall objective of the project is personal and professional development of 32 young unemployed long term contact to facilitate their access to the labor market and personal and professional development of 40 youth workers from 8 countries to facilitate access to the labor market of young long-term unemployed by raising the level of key competencies and skills.

The project will be implemented from 1st August 2015 until 1st July 2016.

The project will have two mobilities:

1. Youth exchange.

The target group will be 32 youth with fewer opportunities, facing economic obstacles, and 8 youth leaders that are in long term unemployment. The youth exchange will be held in Brasov, Romania, on November 19-29, 2015.

2. Training course.

The target group will be 40 youth workers. The youth exchange will be held in Sinaia Romania, from January 31 until February 10, 2016.

The official project description:

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

"Noorte tööpuudus"

Eesti People to People on partner Erasmus+ Programmi Key Action 1 projektis "Noorte tööpuudus". Projekti koordinaator on Sprijin si Dezvoltare Association (Brasov, Rumeenia), partnerid - CIP (PO.SI Polites se Ischy, Küpros), ASSOCIAZIONE Culturale STRAUSS (Itaalia), EUROCIRCLE (Prantsusmaa), Geoclube - Associação Juvenil de CIENCIA, Natureza e Aventura (Portugal), Association Türgi ja Mostar Friedensprojekt eV (Saksamaa).

EU Youth Report 2012 näitab, et majanduse olukord mõjutab noorte kasvav tööpuudus, sotsiaalse tõrjutuse oht ja vaesuse määr. Noorsootöö mitteformaalse hariduse tegevusel peab olema, et lahendada noorte töötuse ja sotsiaalse tõrjutuse, seega mängivad olulist rolli, et toetada noorte haridus ja julgustada neid osalemine ühiskondlikus elus.

Projekti eesmärk on kasutada mitteformaalset haridust tegeleda pikaajalise töötuse noorte seas.

Üldine eesmärk on isiklikku ja tööalast 32 pikaajalist töötut noorte areng, et hõlbustada nende juurdepääsu tööturule ja isiklikku ja tööalast 40 noorsootöötajat 8 riigist areng, et lihtsustada juurdepääsu tööturule pikaajalise töötute noorte ja tõstmine võtmepädevused ja oskusi.

Projekt viiakse ellu alates 1. august 2015 kuni 1. juuli 2016.

Projekt on kaks liikuvus:

1. Noortevahetus.

Sihtgrupiks on 32 vähemate võimalustega noorte, silmitsi majanduslike takistuste ja 8 noortejuhid, mis on pikaajaline töötus. Noorsoovahetusel toimub Brasovis, Rumeenia, 19.-29. novembril, 2015.

2. Koolitus.

Sihtgrupiks on 40 noorsootöötajat. Koolitus toimub Sinaia, Rumeenia, 31. jaanuari kuni 10. veebruari, 2016.

Ametlik projekti kirjeldus:

Projekt rahastab Euroopa Liit läbi Erasmus+ Programmi Key Action 1. See veebileht peegeldab ainult Eesti People to People'i vaateid ning Euroopa Komisjon ei vastuta ühelgi moel selles sisalduva informatsiooni võimalike kasutusviiside eest.

Contacts:                     Kärberi 33-76, 13919 Tallinn, Estonia                    tel:  +372 6 355 697                    e-mail:                   
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